Dr. Cooper has shared his expertise on a variety of topics with audiences all over the world, ranging from ten in a conference room to thousands in a ballroom. He will work with your event team to provide content that is entertaining, informative, and relevant. Contact The Data Brains to enhance your next meeting.


Six Secrets for Delivering Impossible Projects

Leading an impossible project is exciting, scary, exhilarating, and overwhelming. And when the project is delivered it is sublimely satisfying. You might be driving fundamental change throughout your company, or delivering a valuable new capability considered beyond reach. You might be finding the solution to a previously intractable problem, or orchestrating dozens or even hundreds of groups, departments, people, and applications. Unfortunately, many of these efforts fail to live up to expectations or collapse outright. Dr. Cooper has delivered several such consequential projects, and shares his experience to equip leaders to deliver their own impossible projects.
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Audience: Technical Architects, Project Managers, and all levels of management
Length: 45 - 60 minutes

The Real Curriculum

I attended a "Southern Ivy League" university in the mid-1980s and learned many state of the art technologies…none of which are widely used today. So, was it all a waste of time and money? What does the future hold for the current tech? This keynote describes the eight concepts that I actually learned in college, and that I have continued to use as technologies changed and evolved. These are the concepts that are the foundation of a successful career, not just in technology but in any field: The Real Curriculum.
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Audience: High school upperclassmen and college students, along with their teachers and professors
Length: 45 - 60 minutes

Ensuring Cloud Migration Success

So, you’ve been given a mandate to migrate your mature data warehouse into the cloud. What now? Will cloud-native repositories accommodate your existing workloads? How do you prepare a diverse community of tens of thousands of users? How do you migrate hundreds of terabytes of data? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered, as tips and best practices drawn from first-hand experience are shared to help ensure your cloud migration success.
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Audience: Anyone contemplating the migration of a large, existing analytics environment to the cloud
Length: 30 - 45 minutes