I mentioned in my Christmas article that it would be interesting to see what ChatGPT would come up with for the 12 days of a data focused Christmas. We’ve been snowed in here the past couple days, so I thought it would be fun to try it out. 

I prompted ChatGPT four different ways, each time in the form “Rewrite the lyrics to the 12 Days of Christmas using <concept> concepts for the gifts” where <concept> was “information management,” “data governance,” “data quality,” and “data focused.” 

This is how ChatGPT 3.5 responded:

On the twelfth day of information management, my true love gave to me:

12 Data Warehouses syncing
11 Cloud Servers computing
10 Metadata tagging
9 Encryption keys securing
8 Queries optimizing
7 API integrations
6 Backup systems backing
5 Golden BI dashboards
4 Relational databases
3 Data lakes flowing
2 Master data sets
And a Cybersecurity strategy.

On the twelfth day of data governance, my true love gave to me:

12 Policies governing
11 Stewards stewarding
10 Quality checks passing
9 Metadata mappings
8 Access controls securing
7 Data dictionaries
6 Consent forms consenting
5 Governance frameworks
4 Compliance audits
3 Risk assessments
2 Data classifications
And a Master Data Management strategy.

On the twelfth day of data quality, my true love gave to me

12 Cleansing tools scrubbing
11 Accuracy checks confirming
10 Profiling reports profiling
9 Standardization rules
8 Duplicate records merging
7 Validation rules validating
6 Error detection algorithms
5 Cleansed data sets
4 Matching algorithms
3 Data cleansing workflows
2 Data quality metrics
And a Master Data Management strategy.

On the twelfth day of data, my true love gave to me

12 Dashboards dazzling
11 APIs connecting
10 Clusters clustering
9 Algorithms learning
8 Warehouses storing
7 Queries querying
6 Insights revealing
5 Golden records
4 Pipelines streaming
3 Data lakes flowing
2 Encryption keys
And a Database in a secure tree.

Not bad. Certainly in the ballpark.

I thought it was interesting that ChatGPT understood the structure of the song overall and the noun-verb pattern of each verse relating to the concept. Pattern exceptions included “4 Relational databases” and “7 Data dictionaries,” but those are still appropriate within the context of the song. My favorites were the “12 Dashboards dazzling” and “6 Insights revealing.”

It even tried to include “golden” in the fifth position and rhyme the first day with the original. “Strategy” was a great choice for a rhyme, but I’m not sure about a “Database in a secure tree,” or a “Golden BI dashboard.”

On the other hand, ChatGPT did not understand the meter of each verse and it totally misunderstood that the gifts relate to the concept in the prompt but are still given on the twelve days of Christmas. Somehow it thought that information management, data governance, data quality, and data were the events or days or dates or I-don’t-know-what-it-thought from which the twelve days were offset.

It actually reads a lot like my initial brainstorming, where I listed information management concepts in noun-verb couplets. The AI could not, though, take the next steps and more closely match the meter and weave them into a story. We’ll have to wait for ChatGPT 7 or 8 for that.