Happy New Year!!
I’ll be taking the month of January off to recover, but the Reservoir of Ideas will be replenished again starting in February.
I’ll be taking the month of January off to recover, but the Reservoir of Ideas will be replenished again starting in February.
Last week was a (half) marathon. The rest of Christmastime is a sprint. And the season seems to be passing alarmingly fast this year. Turns out, that’s not just perception, it’s fact. Thanksgiving in the Read more…
Each race has its own personality. At least so far. I haven’t done enough that they run together. This was my fifth year participating in St. Jude Marathon Weekend. The first year was to try Read more…
You never know what’s going to happen when you click on a LinkedIn job posting button. I’m always on the lookout for interesting and impactful projects, and one in particular caught my attention: “Far North Read more…
Whenever you get a bunch of technical architects in a room with a whiteboard and markers, it’s not going to be long before somebody goes up to the board and draws a box. Doesn’t matter Read more…
When was the last time you ran outside when you heard a car alarm? I remember once driving an old, heavy, muffler-challenged vehicle through a parking garage and setting off every car alarm in my Read more…